TMJ - Jaw and Joint Problems that affect your bite.
When your teeth don't fit
together properly and/or the two small joints in front of your ears are
TMJ joints and don't function smoothly, pain and pressure results. You
may experience migraine headaches or unexplained facial, neck,
shoulder, or jaw pain. Tooth wear, teeth grinding, tingling extremities,
and chronic earaches are also on the long list of common problems
caused my TMJ disorder.
Improper bite alignment and temporol mandibular joint (TMJ) problems
can cause pain as well as deterioration of teeth and supporting
structures. Dentists who have trained at Dawson Academy evaluate smiles
for these problems as part of comprehensive treatment planning. They
have knowledge of bite problems and TMJ-related issues and can provide
contemporary therapies to alleviate discomfort and restore optimal
Until recently, many symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness,
earaches, conductive hearing loss, sinus problems, face, head, eye, ear,
neck, shoulder, and back pain have sometimes been misdiagnosed. It is
now known that (TMJ) disorder accounts for a large number of these
previously uncured and painful ailments. These types of pain are in
fact symptoms of the syndrome, and correcting the problem rather than
the symptoms is at the heart of the TMJ treatment.